CXL Post-Op Care

We talked last time about getting screened for Keratoconus and the importance of early diagnosis. Today let’s talk about what to expect after the cross linking procedure has finished. Immediately after the UV-A light part of the surgery is over, a bandage contact lens will be put in the eye. This is done in order to protect the eye from dust,wind, et cetera. The second important reason is that it prevents the lid from rubbing the abraded cornea. If it is not put or falls off the lid like a windshield wiper can sweep healing cells and irritate the corneal nerves. A topical antibiotic, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID),  4 times a day for the first week.

A steroid will be prescribed once the epithelium has healed completely.The steroid being usually continued for another 1-3 weeks.

The Keratoconus surgeon will usually follow up with an appointment with in 24 to 48 hours as well as the week following surgery to make sure the eye is healing properly. If needed, after the epithelium is intact, the doctor would send the patient’s back to co-managing doctors for the remainder of their follow up care.  

We all have to be careful during the post period to avoid touching or rubbing the eye. Some discomfort and watering of the eye is to be expected. If you develop sever pain or discharge contact doc immidiately.

New Scleral contacts or old soft lens may continued under the watchful eyes of the keratoconus doctor.

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