<ins datetime="2010-12-22T14:45:58+00:Mean age of our patients was 29.5 ± 9.40 years on enrolment, 62.9% males, and the ethnic distribution was 60.3% Chinese, 13.8% Malays, and 9.5% Indians. Clinically-evident keratoconus was present in both eyes of 65 patients (56.0%) and unilateral keratoconus in 5 patients (4.3%). Five patients (4.3%) had a family history of keratoconus. The majority of patients were managed with contact lenses (60.8%) or glasses (24.5%). Eye-rubbing was common (68%) as were atopic conditions such as asthma (26.3%) and eczema (18.4%). Conical protrusion was the commonest sign (75.3%). The mean cylinder was higher in keratoconus eyes compared to keratoconus suspect eyes (-4.01 vs -1.27, p < 0.001) while best corrected VA was significantly poorer (0.19 vs 0.05, p < 0.001). Unaided VA was significantly worse with increasing age (p = 0.016)Baby interesting study from Singapore body chill and Dan has shown that candidate Glenys incidents and the EVA indication population is similar to dad falling in the distant countries like United States Navy studied the allegations of chemical message came to the hospital and found the average age was 30 years and did the range from 20 to 40 years in Singapore this phone does all the population 60% with Chinese & order for Indian origin photo at 5% off then had relatives quit being diagnosed with Canada calling us and butter under treatment most of the patients were meals and or lease sign in the station is depicted in photography laws go any further on vision of function questionnaire because found that activities of the living for affected more than what could have been simply the case for the kind of fish and they had so you give me a mix of common conclusion that keratoconus going to spend presence in early in the eastern hemisphere like a vested hemisphere me of the more commonly affected and it’s a disease that you fix both eyes read it just have I may have a small chance of suffering from the same disease keratoconus