A question which has been posed to us by one forum member is related to the use of cell phones. Smart phones have proliferated and we have i phone, android phones and the like. These phones may emit radiation. So logical question is can they move the newer intacs or worsen the keratoconus disease. We do not know of any study which point to this. If you analyze the pathophysiology of the disease,you will realize it is due to lack of bonding between the collagen fibrils of the cornea.Radiation has not been shown as a causative factor. Cell phones wilL therefore not have any effect. Still, lets use caution, for who knows what studies 30 years from now will show.
Labors of keratoconus patients
This labor day,lets reflect on how patients suffering from keratoconus have to live their lives. Wearing thick glasses which give headaches, glare and at best only blurry vision. Another choice till now has been the very irritating contact lenses. You ca even put lipstick on a pig, but it still remains a pig. I am referring to some attempts at putting jewels on contact lenses to make them more attractive. These bulky pieces of plastic require a lot of motivation and sel flagellation. Whether these induce rubbing and cause further deterioration of keratoconus is debatable. What is not debatable is visiting Beverly hills keratoconus expert, dr.khanna and learn more about what might be beneficial to you. Yes you can use your medical insurance for this visit.